

Our management team has extensive experience in life settlements, complimentary backgrounds and international experience from major banks and hedge funds.

Jonas Mårtenson

Sales Director and Founder

Jonas Mårtenson has an international finance background and has lived in Switzerland

Gustaf Hagerud

Managing Director and Valuation Manager

Gustaf was previously Partner at a fund manager in London

Anton Pozine

Head of Portfolio Management

Anton Pozine has extensive experience within the life settlements and longevity

Johan Jonson

Risk Manager

Johan Jonson has over 25 years of experience in the financial industry

Hanna Persson

Head of Sales

Hanna has over 15 years’ experience from the financial industry. Most recently she held the role as

Andreas Julin

Institutional Sales

Andreas has over 20 years of experience in the financial industry,

Amanda Gustafsson

Junior Portfolio Manager

Prior to joining Ress Capital, Amanda held a position in the Operations Department at Strivo.

Markus Biamont

Portfolio Manager

Prior to joining Ress Capital, Markus worked a Nordea as an analyst

Max Fiedler

Head of IT

Prior to joining Ress Capital, Max worked at Centevo as a system developer and consultant.

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