
Hedge Nordic Interview with Resscapital Founder Jonas Martenson

Jonas Martenson interviewed by Hedge Nordic

after the awards ceremony where Ress Life Investments was awarded Best Nordic Multi-Strategy Hedge Fund, Jonas Martenson Founder of Resscapital AB was interviewed by Nordic Hedge. He discussed Resscapital’ strategy of reviewing large amounts of life insurance policies and only purchasing the most attractive policies.

“We obtain at least two forecasts of longevity and use the longer one in order to be conservative, as an input for our valuation model. This differs Resscapital from most of our competitors and we believe it reduces the risk for our investors” explained Jonas Martenson.

“So far Ress Life Investments has had a higher number of policy payouts than expected. It appears that we have been somewhat conservative in our forecasts and thus delivered a higher return to our investors”, he adds.

Read the whole article at Hedge Nordic here.

About Resscapital

Resscapital AB is an alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) authorised and regulated by the Swedish Financial Services Authority (Finansinspektionen).

We have since 2011 bought a diversified life insurance portfolio on behalf of Ress Life Investments, which is listed at Nasdaq Copenhagen. Proprietary portfolio management systems and pricing models have been developed. The company also collaborates with an independent medical underwriter specialising in senior mortality.

The management team has complimentary backgrounds and international experience from having worked at major banks, institutional investors and hedge funds. The board of directors consists of both successful entrepreneurs and senior managers with extensive experience from the financial industry.

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About Ress Life Investments  

Ress Life Investments A/S purchases US life insurance policies in the secondary market. The company owns a diversified portfolio and policies are issued by over 50 highly rated US life insurance companies. The investment objective is to provide attractive uncorrelated returns in USD over the long-term. Ress Life Investments is listed at Nasdaq Copenhagen since 2015.

Attractive risk-adjusted return – the target return is 7% per annum in USD without any leverage.

Low volatility – a well-diversified life insurance portfolio offers investors stable and attractive risk-adjusted returns. Monthly historical volatility during the last five years is 4%.

Risk diversification – the return profile of the life insurance portfolio is characterised by low correlation to other asset classes, which makes the strategy attractive for investors seeking risk diversification.

Exchange-traded – the company is listed and a market-maker provides daily prices.

Ress Life Investments A/S is a limited liability company incorporated in Denmark. The company is an alternative investment fund (AIF) managed by Resscapital AB, a limited liability company incorporated in Sweden. Resscapital AB is authorised as an alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) and supervised by Finansinspektionen, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

The depositary for Ress Life Investments A/S is Nykredit Bank A/S. The administrator is Citco Denmark ApS, which is part of the Citco Group. The independent board consists of five members with extensive experience from the financial markets. Ress Life Investments A/S is audited annually by Deloitte.

Ress Life Investments A/S is admitted to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen. The company’s short name is RLAINV, ISIN DK0060315604. Current prices can be found under the segment – Alternative Investment Funds on  NasdaqOMXNordic.

Danish and Swedish retail investors and professional investors, as defined by the European Union’s MIFID directive, may also subscribe for shares on a monthly basis at the company’s current net asset value per share.

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